La respuesta a tus dudas legales

Requisites and procedure to open a pharmacy in Spain

Guía publicada por:
Alejandro Urdiales

Alejandro Urdiales

Asesoría de Torremolinos


We explain succinctly how it works according to the Spanish legislation

The opening of a new pharmacy in Spain is determined by the obtaining of the corresponding installation authorization, which is conceded by the Public Health Office or the competent Department of each Autonomous Community. Frequently, opening competitions are announced although an excess of demand over the offer continue existing. In every announcement the denominated pharmaceutical area are delimited.

The obtaining of this authorization shall allow to perform the installation of the pharmacy, whose opening shall be conditioned to the inspection which execute the technical services of the Public Health Office and the corresponding council.

Once obtained the installation authorization for the opening, the requisites more common are the next:

a) To have the corresponding academic qualification with the stamp of the Association.

b) Fellowship document of the tittle holder.

c) Deed of sale of the store, the rental agreement or any document which proves its availability, always within the delimited areas. Usually, the situation and the distances regarding another offices situated nearby are valued just like health center which already exist or are being constructed. 

d) Plane of the store (stamped by the Association) annexed of the explicative memory of the distribution of the different branches and the establishing shot.

e) Declaration of having the chemical products, drugs and narcotics just like equipment, systems and tools which are ordered by the “Farmacopea Española IX edición” and the emergency medicines demanded by the “Orden de 5 de mayo de 1965”.

f) It is also important to know that each Autonomous Community have their own specifications but pharmacies are establishments obliged to have security measures.

All what is in relation with this profession is regulated by means of the “ Proyecto de Ley de Servicios Profesionales”  which is waiting for being approved definitely.  






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